Artistic documentary
A life story that glorifies craft art - Woodcarving
About the movie
We live in a strange time, full of paradoxes in everyday life and in art. On the one hand, we have modern technologies that allow us to optimize our lives to a high degree, and in the field of artistic creation to create, for example, almost incomprehensible computer effects. However, we seem to have forgotten their content and spirituality, that is, the most essential, the details that make art and life beautiful. We got to know Tomas and later his story at a distant family event, and from the first moment it was clear that there was something much more behind his story, something that needed to be shared with the next and the next generation.
The inspiration for this piece came as soon as we visited Tomas in his studio. Woodcarving seemed to us to be an art like any other, but it was at that moment that we felt the depth to which woodcarving reaches. The effort it requires, the nobility of soul it leaves behind, and the artistic struggle a woodcarver goes through.
The film leads to a recognition of the value of life, its content and spirituality. It introduces the general public to the native of Orava, woodcarver Tomáš Lajmon, and brings the wisdom and poetry of life through wood and woodcarving. The message for the younger generations is to share the beauty in the perfection of man himself, his high-level consciousness and feeling for art and for himself.
"Through woodcarving, the carver liberates beauty, hidden in the wood of the tree."
- Thomas Lajmon
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Together, we make good things great.

Kristián Ganobjak